Sustainability project

In today’s context, what distinguishes us is certainly the attention we place in the use of biodegradable and recyclable materials , production waste and their use.

As our planet faces increasing challenges and threats, it becomes imperative for us to prioritize the conservation and well-being of our environment. We must recognize that the actions of today will be the answer of the future.

One of the key aspects of environmental sustainability is the conservation of natural resources . Our planet provides us with an abundance of resources, but they are limited and therefore must be managed responsibly. We must adopt sustainable practices that promote the efficient use of resources, such as water, energy and minerals, to reduce waste and our carbon footprint.

So for this reason our company uses its own photovoltaic system to cover at least 50% of production.

LM STAMPI always responds very actively to market demands, to sector news, and is sensitive to environmental issues, participating in the development of the circular economy, always proposing products that are eco-sustainable and, above all, with low environmental impact .

Our team is constantly committed to actively responding to new molding processes for starch , sugar cane and cellulose- based polymers , for different sectors such as:

  • feeding
  • Cosmetic
  • Accessories
  • Footwear

If you too want to make your contribution to the environment, contact us to develop and bring your ideas to life. 

We will find together with you the most sustainable solution for your products.

“The will be a beautiful place and worth fighting for.” – E. Hemingway

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